Khonsu embodies the nurturing, receptive, and introspective qualities traditionally associated with the moon and emphasizes states of consciousness that foster dreaming, humility, astral projection, and shamanic journeying.
Khonsu symbolizes the profound depths of the subconscious and its capacity to influence not only the individual’s internal landscape, but also the collective unconscious that spans across all beings and the natural world. He is also the master of the oceans and seas, which were the cradle of life on Earth. Of all ocean creatures, he is particularly close to seahorses, which are part of a family of fish where males uniquely incubate eggs and give birth.
The moon, a central symbol for Khonsu, together with the imagery of the boat traversing the night sky, represents the journey through the unconscious realms. It is a voyage through dreams and spirit, a domain where Khonsu reigns supreme, guiding the soul through the mysteries of the inner world.
Khonsu’s dominion also extends to the sanctity of homes, which are seen as sacred spaces of protection, security, and calm, and He emphasizes the significance of creating environments that nurture our well-being and tranquility. This deity champions contentment and inner peace and advocates for a state of happiness and satisfaction that transcends external circumstances and reflects a deep well of inner joy.
As a nurturer of the inner child of gatekeepers, Khonsu emphasizes the importance of caring for one’s innermost being by fostering a sense of safety and acceptance. This protective and loving aspect of Khonsu speaks to the broader role of nurturing in all forms—whether it be towards others (especially children and the elderly), oneself, or one’s endeavors and creations.
In Myth-Science of the Gatekeepers, Khonsu’s revival as a deity for the Black LGBTQ+ community and beyond serves as a reminder of the transformative power of introspection, the sacredness of nurturing spaces, and the boundless potential of aligning with the rhythmic cycles of nature and the universe. He empowers individuals to explore the depths of their subconscious, to find peace and contentment within, and to embrace their nurturing capacity.